10. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 75

10. Sınıf İngilizce çalışma kitabı cevapları her sınıf ve düzeyden öğrencilerin ödevlerine yardımcı olması için paylaşıyoruz. 2019 2020 Eğitim öğretim yılı için okullarda okutulan 10. Sınıf İngilizce çalışma kitabı etkinlik cevapları için bu sayfayı baştan sona inceleyebilirsiniz. Daha iyi anlamanız için her bir etkinliği ayrı ayrı çözümledik. Eklenmesini ve düzeltilmesini istediğin yerler olursa yorum kısmından yazmayı unutmayın.

Sayfanın Cevapları:

10. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 75 Cevabı

10. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 75 Cevabı” ise önce sorular yazıldı daha sonra kitabın üzerinde çözülerek gösterildi. Önce sorular hemen ardından ise cevaplar mevcuttur.


10. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 75 Cevabı

Read the sentences and complete them by using the comparative form of the words given in the box.


1. My parents live so far away from me. I wish they lived…….nearer.
2. You seldom call me. Why don’t you call……………………………?
3. This skirt is too small. I need a…………………..size.
4. Your husband looks……………………….Has he lost weight?
5. My son isn’t keen on his marks. He’s……………………………………in having a good time with his friends.
6. You are late. I wish you were here……………………………..
7. The restaurant was cheap. I expected it to be…………………………..
8. Your neighbors are making too much noise. Can you ask them to be a bit…………………….?
9. The teacher did us a favor. Her questions in the exam yesterday were…………………………..than the
previous ones.

Complete the foNowing sentences using the given comparative forms of the adjectives in the box. You can use some of them more than once.

better worse further older elder

1. Let me ask her. I guess she is…….o..d.er……….than you.
2. The last time we came here, the food of this restaurant was awful. But rather than improving, it got
3. Please contact our manager if you want any…………………..information.
4. The damage to our car wasn’t so bad. At first, I thought it was……………
5. Your homework isn’t good. I’m sure you can do………………………..than this.
6. My younger brother is still at university. My……………….brother is a graduate.
7. Kenneth: Is Sam younger than Jeff?
Steven: No, he’s…………………….
8. The garden looks……………………since you tidied it up.

Complete the sentences with a superlative form.

It was a very happy weekend. It was……………………………………………….of my life.
It’s a very expensive painting. It is……………………………………………….in my house.
He’s a very rich man. He is……………………………………………….in our family.
He’s a very good player. He is……………………………………………….in the team.
It’s a very old castle. It’s……………………………………………….in the city.
It’s a very dangerous animal. It’s……………………………………………….in this forest.
My daughter is a very intelligent student. She’s……………………………………………….
It’s a very cheap hotel. It’s……………………………………………….of the town.

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